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From its humble origins as a trading outpost at the confluence of the Kelang & Gombak Rivers, Kuala Lumpur has grown to become the capital city of the country. It is the hub of commercial, economic, financial and even the entertainment life of the nation.

The twin Petronas Towers skyscrapers (KLCC) - the tallest building in the world - dominate the skyline, while in Merdeka Square stands a 95m (312ft) flagpole. Despite the economic crisis, Kuala Lumpur is currently the site of large-scale development, with work underway on a new US$8 billion city on the southern fringe of the capital as well as an adjoining 'ultra-high-tech multimedia supercorridor'.  

More information on Kuala Lumpur places of interest.

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Kuala Lumpur City Guide

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